AES Watch: Secret Voting, Public Counting
August 19, 2014
The Automated Election System Watch (AES Watch) submitted on Aug. 14, 2014 its “Secret Voting, Public Counting” proposal for the 2016 elections in a Manifestation paper to the Joint Congressional Advisory Committee on automated election system (JCOC-AES).
The AES Watch Manifestation paper was signed by spokesperson Nelson J. Celis.
Among other minimum requirements, the AES Watch Manifestation seeks to ensure transparency in the automated election by requiring the counting of votes publicly before these are digitally transmitted. In the first automated elections of 2010 and 2013 where the technology was supplied by the marketing company Smartmatic, the voter was denied the right to know whether his votes were really and accurately counted in the absence of verifiability features. The authentication of election returns was also compromised by removing the digital signing of the ERs.
Please see the link to read the AES Watch manifestation.
JCOC committee members above, led by Sen. Koko Pimentel, face Comelec commissioners during the Aug. 14 hearing. CenPEG photo